These videos are designed to give you some insight into what the cells are trying to show you! This is not about recognizing histologic features, but rather to help you see the pathophysiology behind the slide. Deeper understanding = Better medicine!

Squamous cell carcinoma is a very common malignancy. Squamous epithelium is designed to shed towards the surface. How do you think this shows up when a squamous cell carcinoma develops with the body (e.g., lung) and those cells can't escape? This video will explain some of the clinical consequences of this!


I'd like to say it's easy to distinguish benign from malignant but the truth is that it requires years of training for pathologists to accurately make diagnoses. However, for medical students, there are a few key features you need to recognize to do well on Board exams and in your curriculum. This video will help you put these features into context so that you have a greater understanding of WHY these signs indicate malignancy. Deeper understanding = better medicine!